EXORPHIA Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") establishes the following privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as "this Policy") regarding the handling of users' personal information in the services provided on this website (hereinafter referred to as "the Services").

1. Scope of Application

This policy outlines the guidelines that the Company adheres to when handling personal information and equivalent information of individuals, including but not limited to customers, employees, business partners, and job applicants, in the various services provided by the Company.

2. Acquisition of Personal Information

The Company acquires personal information through appropriate and fair means after notifying or publicly announcing the purpose of use in advance.

3. Purpose of Use of Personal Information

The Company uses personal information for the following purposes:

  1. To improve and enhance the Company's services, plan and execute appropriate transactions, and maintain and manage them
  2. For the Company's business activities, promotional activities, and distribution of email newsletters, etc.
  3. For customer management and business partner management
  4. For research, statistics, and analysis of marketing data
  5. To request research cooperation
  6. To provide services related to clinical testing
  7. To examine, investigate, respond to, and answer inquiries received
  8. To respond to inquiries, etc.
  9. To conduct surveys
  10. For recruitment selection and contacting the individual
  11. For employment management of the Company's employees (personnel management, salary payment, etc.)
  12. For tax and social security-related affairs
  13. For payment procedures and preparation of payment records
  14. For presentations at academic conferences, medical journals, etc. (reports at academic conferences, research meetings, academic journals, etc., will be processed so that individuals cannot be identified. If such processing is difficult, the individual's consent will be obtained.)
  15. For notification and reporting to courts, administrative agencies, supervisory authorities, and other public institutions based on relevant laws and regulations or when cooperation with them is necessary
  16. For use in the form of statistical information that does not identify individuals
  17. For use within the scope of the purpose of use notified to the individual when acquiring personal information, etc.
  18. To carry out other operations incidental or related to each of the preceding items

4. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

The Company will not provide or disclose personal information to third parties except in cases permitted by law or when prior consent has been obtained from the individual.

5. Management of Personal Information

The Company strives to ensure organizational, human, physical, and technical safety management to prevent unauthorized access, leakage, loss, or damage to personal information.

6. Disclosure, Correction, and Suspension of Use of Personal Information

When requested by the individual to disclose, correct, or suspend the use of retained personal data, the Company will respond without delay to the extent reasonable.

7. Contact Information

For inquiries regarding the handling of personal information by the Company, please contact the following:
EXORPHIA Inc., Contact Point
Inspired.Lab 668, 6th Floor, Otemachi Building, 1-6-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004
Email: privacy●exorphia.com (Please change ● to @ when contacting us.)

8. Changes to the Personal Information Protection Policy

The Company may change this Personal Information Protection Policy as necessary. When the Personal Information Protection Policy is changed, it will be posted on the website.

Date of Establishment: April 1, 2024