We have defined our Purpose to express our Reason for Existence and the value we aim to provide to society.
Our Vision articulates what our company should aspire to be in order to realize our Purpose.
And our Value establishes the organizational values and culture that will guide us towards achieving our Purpose and Vision.

Our Purpose

To contribute to the creation of a healthier society by providing innovative solutions using pharmaceutical-grade exosomes to address unmet health challenges.

Our Vision

To become a company that continuously creates solutions globally to meet unmet medical needs, by leveraging our exosome drug discovery technology built on cutting-edge science.

Our company's competitive advantages are our extensive data on exosome manufacturing and analysis, and our drug discovery expertise from an experienced R&D team with pharmaceutical industry background. We are committed to developing exosome-based drug discovery platform technologies that harness the scientific properties of exosomes, and to pursuing drug discovery using this platform. Furthermore, we will apply the fruits of our drug discovery efforts to also solve challenges in disease prevention and healthcare.

Our Value

  • Value 01
    Patient First

    We always prioritize the interests of patients first and foremost.

  • Value 02
    Evidence Based

    We always conduct evidence-based product development.

  • Value 03

    We take appropriate risks and face challenges boldly,
    while continuing to humbly learn from both successes and failures.

  • Value 04

    We respect diversity and cooperate with each other to build strong teams.

  • Value 05

    We enjoy taking on challenges to create a better future.


Advancing Beyond Cell Therapy: Tackling Unresolved Health Challenges with Advanced Exosome Technology

Why are exosomes attracting attention as a new therapeutic approach?

Exosomes are an exceptional drug delivery system inherent in living organisms. Recent research has revealed that exosomes containing cell-derived active ingredients, such as nucleic acids and proteins, can achieve therapeutic benefits equivalent to or even greater than those of cell therapy.

Due to their superiority in terms of stability and safety compared to cell therapy, the race to commercialize exosome-based medicines has already begun worldwide. However, significant technical challenges existed in the process and quality control needed to manufacture exosomes with the desired performance reliably.

After years of dedicated effort, we have developed proprietary core technologies for each process of culture, purification, analysis, and pharmacological evaluation. These proprietary technologies form the technological foundation that enables the discovery, mass production, and quality control of exosome therapeutics.

With this robust foundation, we collaborate with university researchers and pharmaceutical companies to develop innovative exosome therapeutics. Utilizing exosomes' natural drug delivery capabilities, we are committed to generating solutions for unresolved health challenges, thereby continuously enhancing our corporate value.

April 2024
Koji Kuchishi
Founder & CEO, EXORPHIA Inc.

Business Model

Our company is engaged in two business areas: the "Drug Discovery Business," which aims to commercialize exosomes as pharmaceuticals, and the "Non-Drug Discovery Business," which sells exosomes as raw materials for non-medical products.

The "Drug Discovery Business" consists of two business models: the "Asset Model," where we conduct clinical trials of our assets, and the "Platform Model," where we license our exosome technology.

Among these, the "Asset Model" is the driver of our medium- to long-term growth. Although research and development investments precede revenue, we aim to increase the value of our assets by obtaining evidence of safety and efficacy in clinical trials targeting diseases with high unmet medical needs. By licensing global rights to pharmaceutical companies, we expect to generate significant revenue.

On the other hand, while the future revenue scale of the "Platform Model" and "Non-Drug Discovery Business" is limited compared to the "Asset Model," they enable us to acquire stable cash flow early with less research and development investment, which is expected to contribute to the improvement of our financial health.

By adjusting the weight of these multiple business models according to our growth stage, we aim to achieve continuous growth over the medium to long term while controlling risks.

Company Profile

Company Name
Business Description
R&D, manufacturing, and sales of exosome-based therapeutics derived from human cells.
Head Office and Lab: Inspired.Lab, 6th Floor, Otemachi Building, 1-6-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004, Japan
Establishment Date
May 7, 2019
100 million yen (Accumulated Funds Raised 1,489 million yen)
Koji Kuchiishi
Academic Research Partners
The University of Tokyo  Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Collaborative Research Representatives
  • Professor Ken J. Ishii, M.D., Ph.D., Division of Vaccine Science, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo
  • Professor KAGE Hidenori, M.D., Ph.D., Department of Respiratory Medicine, The University of Tokyo Hospital
  • Associate Professor NAGAMURA-INOUE Tokiko, M.D., Ph.D., Department of Cell Processing and Transfusion, IMSUT Hospital, The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo
  • Associate Professor KOJIMA Ryosuke, Ph.D., Laboratory of Chemical Biology and Molecular Imaging, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
  • Assistant Professor MORI Yutaro, M.D., Ph.D., Department of Nephrology, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Tokyo Medical and Dental University


May 2019
Company established
July 2019
Capital increase through third-party allotment
August 2019
Laboratory opened
December 2019
Capital increase through third-party allotment
January 2020
In-house research ethics review committee established
May 2020
Collaboration with The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo and Juntendo University initiated
April 2021
Head office and laboratory relocated to Inspired.Lab, 6th Floor, Otemachi Building, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Capital increase through third-party allotment
June 2021
Board of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board established
April 2022
Capital increase through third-party allotment
July 2023
Raised 325 million yen from KII, Coral Capital, and one other venture capital firm through the issuance of stock acquisition rights
December 2023
Entered into a joint development agreement with Kyoritsu Seiyaku and Kyoritsu Holdings for EV formulations to treat pet diseases
February 2024
Received positive feedback from the U.S. FDA regarding the Pre-IND application for EXP01
March 2024
Raised 550 million yen from two business companies through the issuance of stock acquisition rights
July 2024
Initiated joint research with Tokyo Medical and Dental University on the development of EV therapies for kidney diseases

Leadership team

Board of Directors and Executive Officers


Otemachi Bldg. 6F, 1-6-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

・Directly connected to Otemachi Station, which is connected to five subway lines.
・Direct access from the underground shopping area in Tokyo Station.